Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Where am I?

Originally Posted: Aug 10, 2005 on MySpace

So I find myself in an odd nexus of personal relationships. Never mind parents or distant family associations, simply referring to peoples' relationships within their own homes, I'm right in the middle of a number of strange extremes and that alone leaves me wondering where I belong...

This occurs to me because I got an e-mail invitation from a friend of mine to a party he's throwing at his house in a couple of weeks. This is all well and good and I like hanging out with him, but the part in the middle that made me pause was "starting around 4pm (catering to those with kids)." I'm forced to realize that a lot of the people I know now actually HAVE kids and that MOST of my friends are actually married. Both these subjects I've thought about, but the inevitable answer is always "someday." Now I know single people. I know married people. I know people who just live together. I even know divorced people. Once again, I realize, I find myself in the middle of a number of different life styles that don't always mesh. I hang out with a lot of people, and a lot of them don't really hang out with each other.

I end up as the lone guy with a missing significant other whose work has pulled her away. I'm comfortable and engaged in activities with other couples, but I still am afforded the time and luxury of single guy entertainment. Its no wonder I never know where my time is, and no wonder I never feel like I have any to myself. I can't really break away from my roommates, themselves on completely opposite ends of the relationship spectrum, and I would rather hang out with them and do some group activity (of at least two people if the third isn't feeling it), but sometimes I miss my own hobbies. A lot of times I miss my girlfriend. Right now I'm just trying to figure out if I should go to a party with a bunch of my friends and their friends and families, or if I should just hang out with my friends alone. Maybe finish off a game or two.

Guess I'll have plenty of time to enjoy my single person activities when I'm alone again.

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