Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love your job or go the hell home.

Originally Posted: Jun 16, 2005 on MySpace

I'm coming up on the end of my third 12 hour day at work in a row and I'm still pretty sure I'm going to be here on the weekend. I'm not the only one who puts in more than the standard 40 hour week, but I think I am the only person not complaining about it. I agree, it can be hard to put in so many hours, skip lunches, or not even have daylight when you head home, but, honestly, I could be doing a lot worse things with my time. Making video games may not always be as fun as playing video games, but for me it almost is. I like being here, I like doing what I do, and I like taking my sweet ass time to make sure what I'm doing looks and plays as cool as I can possibly make it. There's something to be said for being proud of your own work.

Seriously, folks: If you find new things to complain about every day you're at work and you have to share them with everyone around you, it may be time to reevaluate what you're doing, or at least why. If its for the money, I can understand, because nobody likes living paycheck to paycheck, but then the burden is on you to find something better to do. If you don't know what that should be, may I recommend getting an outside opinion. Just don't try and get me to agree with you about how much your job sucks because I don't really care. If I did, I'd have quit work and become a topless model by now.

Unless of course its really funny. In which case: Kudos to Will for sticking with his shitty job and bringing home tales of stifled rage and Rex Paine.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting to see how drastically that situation changed a few years later... That's disappointing.
