Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Originally Posted: Dec 13, 2005 on MySpace

Wow, ok, so I let that go for a little while. I guess things have been kind of crazy and hectic since I was last on here. Some good news I'm particularly proud of is that I've shipped my second video game with the recent release of Prince of Persia: Revelations for the PSP.

Doesn't that look spiffy? Its been out a week, and reviews are slow coming in, but so far the players seem to like it. There's no argument that it isn't about the best looking game available on the PSP, but a lot of people are getting hung up on the little bugs, many of which shipped in the original console, a lot of those we managed to fix.

Problems are inevitable, but the average score so far is about 8/10, so good times!
I've also been up to Seattle and raided Rob's apartment for goodies. I'm thoroughly enjoying said goodies, but have yet to pay him for them.

Got to visit Megan in Texas for Thanksgiving and welcome her home from Iraq. I helped her move into a new house and outfit it with new furniture and accessories. Shopping is fun. Its even more fun when I get to help somebody else with a larger budget than I have!

This past weekend saw the introduction of Guitar Hero into the house, which was a massive robber of time, but a great giver of rock, so it was a worthwhile weekend spent with the PS2. Will and I both have copies, so the dueling has commenced. So far, he's proven to rock harder than I. This will have to be remedied...

We also breezed through the entire series of Love Hina. Will had had most of the TV series on DVD for years now, but was always missing volumes 2 and 3. This upset me. It just seemed... wrong, to have such a glaring empty space in the middle of a DVD shelf, so, for his birthday this year, I filled in this space for him. Then, to further my own ends, and perform the much hated combo December birthday/Christmas gift giving, I got him the Love Hina movies as a Christmas gift. With the entire series now available in full high quality DVD format, there was much Love Hina to be had this past week. Chris didn't take the whole 'romantic' comedy thing terribly well, but there were enough random acts of violence to keep the entire house happy. For this week, we've moved on to Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid. Again, much fun to be had.

1 comment:

  1. To which Will replied:
    I can't say much in regards to PoP, seeing as how I can barely stand to look at the game, but I know how much blood, sweat and tears (as well as other bodily excretions better left unmentioned) you put into the project, so I'm sure you have plenty for which to be proud.

    As for me rocking harder than you, it's a simple matter of time, really. Every moment I'm not cooking and Chris isn't playing DQ8 is a moment I am rocking out. You do lots of other things around the house. I've just had more practice. I still say the game should support four player. Then we could have invited Joe and Stephen over to play "Freebird" (which would have to be in the game if it had supported 4P).

    And "Love Hina" was all sorts of cuddly-wuddly fun. I think I've been looking for something like that, so I can honestly say it was a great gift!
