Been a while since I posted, and since very little interesting has happened as I've been working massive overtime hours, I'll just put up a couple memorable Quote of the Day tidbits from the last couple weeks or so.
Dan (one of the heads of Pipeworks): "I am a walking slapstick machine!"
Chris (to Moe, the dog): "You can't have people food because you can't make it. You can't cook, Moe. You're stupid!"
Me: "You can't beat God. He's smarter than you!"
Chris (when asked whats for dinner): "How about a big plate of good old fashioned American VICTORY."
Me:"I don't know how old these nuts are, but I'm trashin' em."
And for good measure I'll add tonight's conversation of:
Will: What do we have at the house?
Me: Moe?
Will: Things we can eat.
Me: Moe?
Will: Pretend I'm not really Filipino and Chris isn't really Chinese.
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