Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Obvious Oblivion

Originally Posted: Mar 27, 2006

So I've been living with Chris for a while now and I'm pretty familiar with his style of gameplay. The chaos that erupted on the streets during any given evening of Grand Theft Auto was likely to yield more explosions than the fireworks on a millennial New Years could ever aspire to.

Recently he got his hands on Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the XBox 360, and I knew where this was going to end up going pretty quickly. I've always been more of a fan of the typical Japanese RPG where your character (and/or party) are pretty much predetermined and the path of the game pretty much follows an epic tale that was designed to flow in a specific direction. Chris, however, can't stand these games (though I think it also has something to do with the typical age/appearance of the female main characters) and prefers the sandbox style free-form RPGs more often produced by American developers. He has his reasons. (Here's a hint: The name of his KOTOR character was Dio Chyldekilher)

This in mind, it wasn't a surprise when the quest to cure his inexplicable affliction of vampirism became too tedious and the quest to raise the bounty on his head to six digits began. In short, I've been sitting here with him for the past couple hours and this is what his efforts are 'amounting' to.


  1. To which Will replied:
    I loved how he piled up so many guards in one spot that it eventually got to the point where if anyone else came by they would literally just look at the pile and walk away quietly. I know it's just game preventing too much geometry in one spot, but the character behavior reflected was priceless.

    To which I replied:
    Yeah, appearantly this is the limit of rag doll characters allowed on the screen. The occasional pedestrian can walk by, but after the pile is formed, no more guards will try to attack him here.

    He's started forming 'the pile' in several different zones so he can later walk through those areas unharassed...

  2. And Will P replied:
    That's still not quite Flesh Harvester quality... but its a good try.
