Seeing as most of my time is spent with some form or another of visual entertainment, I seem to see quite a few shows and play quite a few games, so I thought I'd share my impressions. My personal favorites are the ones that get pictures.
4400 - A really good series about missing people throughout the past century that suddenly return as if nothing had happened and try to re-enter society, except that some of them are developing strange abilities... I got hooked on USA, so I bought the first season DVDs.
Angel Heart - An exceptional and subtle supernatural thriller.
Batman Begins - This was great! I've ranted about it before, so lets move on.
Beyond the Sea - An interpretation of the life of Bobby Darin, I enjoyed the strange format and, not knowing much about him beforehand, I was really impressed by how they handled the dramatic elements that threw his life into turmoil.
Boondocks - Based on the comic strip, we've really been enjoying the almost outlandish racial humor Boondocks presents us. We catch it every week.
Brothers Grim - I really enjoyed the mystical and storytelling aspects of the movie, but the character interaction just seemed weak...
Chicken Run - I love Nick Park animations. He has a fantastic way of giving claymation characters neurosis.
The Corpse Bride - This was a really fun fairy tale, but I think I was expecting more of the Nightmare Before Christmas magic than was actually in this one. The animation was fantastic, though.
Crash - Racism and bigotry are really sore subjects for me, so this movie managed to make me very upset which, I guess, means it was a successfully strong drama.
Cronos - Decent concept but I wasn't so fond of the overall effect. I also wasn't sure if it was trying to be a horror movie or not.
Cursed - Very teen horror, but an amusing monster flick. A couple priceless moments save it from being weak.
Darkness - The concept, story, and ending of this movie were really cool, but there was something lacking in the execution that weakened it as a good horror.
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle - Sometimes I can't believe how funny I find stoner comedy, but then there are examples like this one. Off the wall hilarious!
High Fidelity - Really good romantic comedy. I actually enjoy breaking the fourth wall.
Elektra - Daredevil wasn't that great a movie, but it at least had some redeeming qualities. This one, though...
Fantastic Four - Comic movies seem to be getting cheaper. This wasn't half as bad as Elektra, but it was still pretty weak as a movie.
Fever Pitch - I find the Farrelly brothers' work amusing, but never that impressive as either movies or comedies. Fever Pitch was different. This one was a truly touching romantic comedy.
Final Cut - So-so sci-fi. It wasn't bad, but I can't recommend it, really.
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - I can't actually describe this movie. Just see it when it comes out. This has to be by far the best movie I saw all year.
The Forgotten - A completely unexpected thriller. Not great, but fun.
Frida - A fantastic biography of artist Frida Kahlo and a really strong drama by itself.
Garden State - Really cute kind of self discovery movie. Very Ordinary People.
God of Cookery - It took me a while to track down this Stephen Chow film and it was worth the effort. Its hilarious, but also very Eastern culture, so I don't think it will ever translate well on its own.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - I've seen all these movies before reading the books, so its a different experience for me. This movie was great and a lot of fun, but I still hold Prisoner of Azkaban as my favorite. After reading the book, I see what Will meant about them omitting almost half of it. I think it stood up just fine without most of the explanation. It gave me more drive to breeze through the books for the 'full story.'
Head of State - Amusing, but most of the material was better as Chris Rock standup. Bernie Mac makes a great co-star, though.
Hide and Seek - I thought this was a pretty good, if drawn out, thriller.
Hotel Rwanda - A very intense and touching historical depiction.
House of Flying Daggers - High Flying Kung Fu action! Good movie, but I still put
Hero and Crouching Tiger before of it.
House of 1000 Corpses - Creepy and deranged horror. Bloody fun!
The Interpreter - I liked the characters presented in this tale of intrigue, but it didn't really flow well as a movie.
Jackass: The Movie - I never really liked the show, and didn't even want to watch the movie, but then I caught the very beginning while channel surfing. Now either my tastes have changed dramatically, or there really is a special kind of magic to the idiocy they put into the feature film that I just could not stop watching and laughing my ass off!
Johnny English - I think I prefer Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean. I really don't have much fondness for this kind idiot protagonist. I like Rowan, but not Johnny.
Land of the Dead - We weren't quite sure what type of zombies we were in for after the remake of Dawn, but Land returns us to the shambling but partially intelligent monsters from the original Night, Dawn, and Day. Accepting that: its a nifty post-apocalyptic type.
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - I really seem to enjoy Bill Murray's recent movies a lot. Something about the black humor in the face of otherwise emotionally devestating events just seems appropriate.
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe - Much more epic than I remember the book being, but very true to the story and a great adventure movie.
Margaret Cho: I'm the One That I Want - Normally I like Margaret Cho, but I guess this wasn't my favorite of her stand-up.
Master of the Flying Guillotine - This was entertaining, but I guess my appreciation for old Kung Fu movies has waned over the years. Oh well, it was still fun to watch with a group of friends.
Meet the Fockers - I normally have a problem with uncomfortable comedy and really didn't like Meet the Parents that much. Meet the Fockers, however, came off a hundred times better in my book, I think because Ben Stiller wasn't the only subject of discomfort in this one.
A Mighty Wind - Fantastic mocumentory about a folk band revival.
The Missing - Pretty decent movie about family and frontier life.
The Polar Express - A very good Christmas fairy tale.
Primer - Excellent movie about friends, mystery, and bend your mind science. Fans of Donnie Darko should love this.
Rambo: First Blood - Much better movie than my 8 year old self remembered. Great drama and action. I'm going to have to re-watch the sequels now to see if they were this good.
Ray - The story of the life of Ray Charles comes together really well in this movie. I can see how it got Ray's own endorsement.
The Ring Two - This was just... bad. Its a shame considering how good the first one was.
Robot Chicken - Stumbling upon an episode of the hilarious sketch stop motion comedy that is Robot Chicken, we quickly procured the entire season from the internet. SO much fun!
Robots - Much better use of talent than Shark Tale was and I was really enjoying it, but it really didn't feel like it resolved well.
Sahara - I put this one off because of really lackluster sentiment I'd heard about it, but when I finally watched it, I really enjoyed it. It brought me back to the old Indiana Jones adventure type, which always entertain me.
Scooby Doo 2 - Part one was much better. This movie wasn't even really as good as one of the cartoons.
A Series of Unfortunate Events - I really am a sucker for a well told fairy tale and this adaptation of a couple of the Unfortunate Events books came through perfectly for me.
Sex and the City: Season 1 - Megan showed me the first season of the mega-box set I got her for Christmas. It is a really good show, but I think I enjoy watching it with a girlfriend the most. It makes the context sensitive conversations much easier.
Shark Tale - Its no Finding Nemo. The humor is too cute for the voice talent they chose, and the animation is too stiff for the cartoony style they were shooting for.
Sideways - A very good drama dealing with human relationships between friends, family, lovers, and victims. It struck a nerve with me, but I can't mark it down because it did it well.
Sin City - Dark, brutal, and violent. Fantastic translation from comic to screen with style and each of the short stories came off great.I just wouldn't advise going to see it with your parents...
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow - I love good stylization and this movie really captured the old serial show essence, but everything else about it was pretty bland.
South Park - Granted I'd seen them on air, but having just bought the six seasons of South Park on DVD, we had some massive screenings of them over the course of a month. Great fun!
Spongebob Squarepants Movie - Amusing, but I think I appreciate it more in single short episodes.
Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith - Much better than I and II and a pretty cool adventure movie, but still doesn't seem to feel as complete as the originals did...
Team America: World Police - Obviously with my love of South Park, I have a fondness for offensive humor. No surprise why I found this one funny.
War of the Worlds - An obvious summer blockbuster movie, but I enjoyed it a lot for its perspective of a single (not completely stable) father trying to survive the war with his kids. I was surprised that no one I talked to about this movie knew how the "war" ended before seeing this version, though...
Without a Paddle - I expected a fairly stupid comedy out of this, and I wasn't disappointed, but I was also really amused. This was a more touching buddy movie than I thought it would be and a lot more fun.
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